Chiropractic care treat patient based on the theory that the body is able to heal itself. Most chiropractors don’t use medication instead clear the path to the nervous system. Eventually, this process will heal the body. During treatment, the chiropractic care will focus on 24 bones in the spine that’s attached to the nerves. The bones will affect different body functions in the body. In short, making the spine straight will help the nerves to function and perform its duties.
Many people are unaware that nerves attached to the spine have an affect on the reproductive system. The nervous system has control over when the eggs are dropped from the ovaries into the fallopian tubes. In addition, the nerves will become out of position when the spine is out of position. This will make it impossible for the nerves to do their job. Also, this will result into infertility.
There was a study conducted by Dr. Madeline Behrendt on fertility and chiropractic care. In addition, the study was published in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research in the May 2003 issue. The study revealed that 14 out of 15 women were able to become pregnant after going through 2 to 24 months of chiropractic care. There was woman in the study who was told by doctors that she had only a 5% of conceiving a baby. It didn’t matter if the woman used invasive procedures or fertility drugs. Those methods wouldn’t increase the woman chances of having a baby. The woman didn’t have a menstrual cycle for 12 years. In addition, the woman went through two months of chiropractic care and she started back with her period. In 4 months, the woman was able to conceive and had a healthy baby within 9 months. The doctor said her pregnancy was “impossible”.
The power of chiropractic care is amazing and has changed so many lives. If you are trying to conceive then chiropractic care could be that next step to becoming pregnant.
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ReplyDeleteSt. Petersburg Chiropractor
I've been reading more and more about chiropractic care and infertility. Thanks for sharing this. I'm finding the more and more I read the more interesting it becomes. Thanks for sharing.
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